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My next event will be co-hosting/organising the Liars' League Valentine's event, Scoundrels & Scandals, on Tuesday 11th Februaryat The Phoenix, Cavendish Square, London.


Liars' Leagueis the bimonthly short story reading night I co-founded and run, along with the other Liars - various associates and fellow lovers of fiction. Please join us at our next event! You'll always find me there, usually propping up the bar or videoing the readings ...

Liars' League

Great stories, well told: brand new pieces of fiction every other month, read by our company of professional actors.

- Join the Facebook groupor like th e Page

- Follow us on Twitter

Next event:

Click here for details.


7.30pm (doors at 7)


£5 on the door


Downstairs at

The Phoenix

37 Cavendish Square

(near Oxford Circus)

London, W1G 0PP


I did a number of literary events, interviews etc. from 2012 onwards, to coincide with/promote the publication of The Whores' Asylum and the paperback version, The Unpierced Heart. For posterity, they're listed below.

Thu 26th April at 6.30pm

A book club event at Waterstones Islington, which is at 11 Islington Green, London N1 2XH. 

Sunday 29th April at 3pm

Read from the novel at lovely fiction event Storytails in Stoke Newington - details are on the site (click on Storytails to go there) and the Facebook event is here.

Saturday 5th May at 2.30pm

Told a true story about "losing it" at the Camden Crawl as part of the Homework True Stories event, upstairs at The Enterprise pub in Camden.

5th-8th July 2012

Appeared at the Nova Festival in West Sussex. Tents ahoy!

10th-12th August 2012

Home again home again ... well, to Oxfordshire, anyway - I'll be doing some stuff with the Liars' League (see below) and doing some late-night readings from the novel at Wilderness Festival!

Friday 21st September 2012

I will be talking about sex, murder and the (neo) Victorian novel with nineteenth-century expert and novelist Kate Williams at the Sevenoaks Literary Celebration.

Mon 13th February 2012:

Reading at "free literary party night" The Book Stops Here at The Alley Cat, 4 Denmark Street, Soho, WC2H 8LP.

Tue 14th February:

Valentine's Day. Also the first Liars' League of 2012, Kiss & Kill, at which an extract of my novel will be read, and copies will be sold and signed. (Details below).

Thu 16th February:

I was be a competitor/ reader/gladiatrix at Literary Death Match. I didn't win but I didn't care - had a brilliant time & much booze.

Saturday 25th February:

I'll be at the Barbican as a guest of Spread the Word, doing a masterclass on writing your first novel in the morning, and a reading and panel discussion with my editor Juliet Annan of Penguin in the afternoon.

Tuesday 6th March:

I helped put the "special" into literary variety night The Special Relationship, along with Kirsty Logan, at The Queen of Hoxton.

9th - 11th March 2012:

I had a great time at the King's Lynn Literary Festival, and shared the bill with Carol Birch, who wrote the prizewinning Jamrach's Menagerie. Swoon!

Friday 16th March: 12.30pm - early afternoon

I did a signing at Waterstone(')s Guildford - where they like me and I pretty much love them (especially being a local girl).

Saturday 17th March, 11am-3pm

I signed copies at Waterstone(')s Farnham and recommended books - including but not limited to my own - for all fans of Victoriana, (neo and original flavour).

24th March - 1st April 2012:

I appeared at 10am on Sunday 25th March at the Sunday Times Oxford Literary Festival, discussing writing historical fiction with fellow author Kate Williams. You can buy tickets and flinch at my sourpuss grumpyface picture here.

Wednesday 28th March 2012:

I read from the book and talked about literary "ladies of pleasure" (such as Moll Flanders, Sugar from Crimson Petal, Nancy from Oliver Twist, etc.) - at Clapham Books.

Wednesday 11th April 2012:

I love the Wapping Project. I went to an amazing party there once and got a free hat. Anything could happen if you come to my reading at the bookshop! It's FREE and the Facebook event is here.

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